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Syntax Notes

Syntax Notes

English Language and Composition What is syntax? Notes on SYNTAX  The term syntax refers not only to the structure of sentences, their types, their uses, their connection, and the variations authors choose, but also to smaller structures within sentences.  Phrases (any group of words) and clauses (groups of words that contain a subject and a verb) are also syntactic elements that require a reader’s attention.
Literacy Workbook

Literacy Workbook

How to avoid plagiarism Grammar Tips Punctuation Tips Learn to spell English versus American spelling Frequently misspelt words Frequently misspelled words for older students Glossary of key words Modality Persuasive and emotive language Vocabulary to improve extended responses Peel paragraphs Language Devices Connective Words How to write to paragraph Example of a paragraph plan Assignment Tips Assignment Writing Checklist Oral Presentations Digital Slide Presentations Reading Skills Scanning Note Taking Tips to effective internet searching